App4That, LLC ئاپەکان

Shuffleboard Score Keeper 10.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at a game of shuffleboard.Click on a player name to edit the name Long click on a playerscore to edit the score Scoring Rules: Scoring occurs once alleight disks have been played and is according to the areas markedon the court with 10 points being deducted for any disks in the10-off area. A disk must be entirely within one of the five areasand not touching the outside lines of that area in order to scorethe amount marked within. Disks that lie beyond the 10-off area areignored. For the purposes of scoring the penalty 10-off area, thesmall triangle that delineates the left and right halves of the10-off area is ignored. Disks still score if they are on top ofanother disk. Judges should position the eye directly above anydisks that are controversially positioned in order to decidewhether or not a line is being touched. The game is won by thefirst person to reach 75 points. All eight disks of the final gamemust be played and the scores calculated before a player can claimvictory.
Dice Score Keeper 9.0
App4That, LLC
This app helps keep score at a game of 10,000 dice. Long-Click onthe player name and you will be able to modify the player's name.Long-Click on the score and you will be able to modify the score.Select a player to add points to that player. Scoring Rules: Thegame is won by the first person to reach 10,000 points.
Horseshoe Score Keeper 5.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at a game of Horseshoes. Theuser can select to keep score for 2 or 4 players. Clicking on aplayer name will highlight that player and any point valuesassigned for that player will be added to the team score. Hold downon a player name to edit the name. Hold down on a team score toedit the score.
Bocce Score Keeper 4.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at Bocce Clicking on a teamname will highlight that team and any point values assigned forthat team will be added to the team score. Hold down on a team nameto edit the name. Hold down on a team score to edit the score.
Golf Scorecard & GPS 11.0
App4That, LLC
This app will allow the user to keep score for up to 4 players ingolf. It will keep track of the number of strokes for each hole forevery player. It allows the user to view the scoreboard withcurrent scores and gives the user the ability to share and save thescores. It also has a camera button to allow the user a quickaccess to the camera. It has google maps integrated to show playerlocation and allow the user to set markers for their next shotswhich show the distance from the current location. It will pointthe map in the direction the user is standing and rotate the map asthe user moves. In order for the compass to be accurate, it must becalibrated. There's a menu option on the map screen which shows howto calibrate the compass. Once the map is open, hold the phone andmove your hand in a figure 8 motion. The compass will be calibratedand the direction you turn will be accurately shown on the map.Enabling GPS at startup will give you a better location anddistance to markers. Clicking on the Player buttons will allow youto enter a player name. Clicking on the Score button will displaythe scorecard for all players. The user will have the ability tosave the score. The game will be saved to internal storage. Theuser will also have the ability to share the score by selecting theshare icon in the action bar. The user is able to share the scorewith apps installed on their phone. To share with Facebook, thescore is copied to the clipboard. The user will need to paste thecontents in the status of the Facebook dialog. From the mainscreen, a user is able to load previous games by selecting LoadScores from the menu. The previous scores are loaded and displayedas a list. Selecting a game will display the scoring details fromthat game. Long-Click on the score to delete the score. To deleteall the scores, select Delete All Scores from the menu. Clicking onthe New button will reset all the values. Clicking on the GoogleMaps Icon opens google maps. Once the map is open, a user can addMarkers by performing a long-click at the location they desire. Aline will be drawn from their current location to the marker whichincludes distance. The user can clear the markers by clicking onthe Clear Markers button. The menu on the map will allow the userto change units of measurement between yards and meters. Clickingon the Camera Icon enables the camera for the user to take picturesThe << and the >> buttons allows the user to go to thenext or previous holes. Return to the previous screen by clickingthe Back button.
Curling Score Keeper 5.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at Curling. Clicking on ateam name will highlight that team and any point values assignedfor that team will be added to the team score. Hold down on a teamname to edit the name. Team 2 always has the hammer. The maximumnumber of Ends supported is 12 and the maximum score supported fora club scorecard is 15. Adjustment for a team score is only allowedif a team has scored on that End. The user will need to go to thatEnd where the adjustment needs to be done. A negative score is notallowed. Scoring Rules
KanJam Score Keeper 4.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at a game of KanJam.Clicking on a player name will highlight that player and any pointvalues assigned for that player will be added to the team score.Hold down on a player name to edit the name. Hold down on a teamscore to edit the score.
Random Generator 3.0
App4That, LLC
This Random Generator app will allow the user to generaterandomnumbers, passwords, states, colors, coin flip, dice rolls,cards,and letters. Using the page viewer, you can swipe through allthepages. The number generator will ask the user for a minimumandmaximum integer and add the next number to the top of the list.Thepassword generator gives the user the option to usenumbers,symbols, uppercase and lower case letters. It also will asktheuser to enter the length of the password.
Cornhole Score Keeper 4.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at Cornhole. Clicking onateam name will highlight that team and any point valuesassignedfor that team will be added to the team score. Hold down ona teamname to edit the name. Hold down on a team score to edit thescore.Click on the color icon to change the color for that team.
Random Team Generator 6.0
App4That, LLC
This app will allow the user to generate random teams based onthenumber of players per team and the number of total players.Theuser will first select the number of players per team. Thentheuser can select how many total players. The total number ofplayersis based on the same number of players per team. The userwill thenget prompted to enter each player's name. After all thenames areentered, the user can click on the "Generate Teams"button. Theteams will be generated and added to the list. Everytime the userclicks on the button, a new team list will begenerated. The useralso has the ability to create and save playerlists. They will beable to load, edit, and delete player lists andplayers.
5 Crowns Score Keeper 4.0
App4That, LLC
This app helps keep score at Five Crowns. Hold down a playersnameand you will be able to modify that players name. Hold down ascoreand you will be able to modify that score. Select a player toaddpoints to that player. Once the player is selected, the usercanpress any of the number buttons and the score that will be addedisdisplayed in the gray box. To add that score to the userselected,click on the ENTER button. The CLEAR button removes thescore inthe gray box. The NEW GAME button will reset player namesandscores. The REMATCH button will reset the scores.